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Birds List

Bird diversity is a vital indicator of a healthy ecosystem, as birds play essential roles in pollination, seed dispersal, pest control, and nutrient cycling. A variety of bird species reflects balanced habitats with sufficient resources like food, water, and shelter. Their presence and behavior often signal the state of an environment—declines in bird populations can warn of habitat loss, pollution, or climate change. By protecting bird diversity, we support the resilience of ecosystems and ensure the continuation of the critical services they provide to maintain environmental health and balance.

t calls a shrill “kreeeuu”, which is often followed by harsh chattering notes.

Clamator levaillantii

Levaillant's Cuckoo

Anas undulata

African yellow-billed duck

Alopochen aegyptiaca

Egyptian goose

Often-repeated three-note “work HAR-der, work HAR-der” songis a common and characteristic sound of Africa.

Streptopelia capicola

Cape Turtle (Ring-necked) Dove

It is an adaptable and numerous species, with bold and noisy habits

Vanellus coronatus

Crowned lapwing

t frequently gives a loud and distinctive high-pitched “tsee-tsee-tsee” call, especially when flushed.

Uraeginthus angolensis

Blue Waxbill

Threskiornis aethiopicus

African Sacred Ibis

A loud, raucous, trumpeting “ha-da-da” which gives the bird its name.

Bostrychia hagedash

Hadada ibis

The distinctive call is a loud, rising, high-pitched “deee-deee-deee-deee-dederik

Chrysococcyx caprius

Diederik Cuckoo

Motacilla capensis

Cape Wagtail

Zosterops virens

Cape White-eye

Dendropicos fuscescens

Cardinal Woodpecker

Acridotheres tristis

Common Myna

Trachyphonus vaillantii

Crested Barbet

Laniarius atrococcineus

Crimson-breasted Shrike

Pycnonotus tricolor

Dark-capped Bulbul

Caprimulgus pectoralis

Fiery-necked Nightjar

Sigelus silens

Fiscal Flycatcher

Plegadis falcinellus

Glossy Ibis

Phoeniculus purpureus

Green Wood Hoopoe

Butorides striata

Green-backed (Striated) Heron

Crinifer concolor

Grey Go-away-bird

Ardea cinerea

Grey Heron

Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus

Grey-headed Gull

Scopus umbretta


Numida meleagris

Helmeted Guineafowl

Passer domesticus

House Sparrow

Buteo rufofuscus

Jackal Buzzard

Spilopelia senegalensis

Laughing Dove

Cisticola aberrans

Lazy Cisticola

Corythornis cristatus

Malachite Kingfisher

Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus

Orange-breasted Bushshrike

Falco peregrinus

Peregrine Falcon

Corvus albus

Pied Crow

Lagonosticta senegala

Red-billed Firefinch

Cuculus solitarius

Red-chested Cuckoo

Urocolius indicus

Red-faced Mousebird

Psittacula krameri

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Laniarius ferrugineus

Southern Boubou

Ploceus velatus

Southern Masked Weaver

Euplectes orix

Southern Red Bishop

Colius striatus

Speckled Mousebird

Amblyospiza albifrons

Thick-billed Weaver

Cinnyris talatala

White-bellied Sunbird

Rarely vocal, produces grunts.

Anhinga rufa

African Darter

Series of “kok-kok-kok” calls.

Lophoceros nasutus

African Grey Hornbill

Soft "hoo-poo-poo" call.

Upupa africana

African Hoopoe

Deep cooing sound.

Columba arquatrix

African Olive Pigeon

Shrill, chattering call.

Terpsiphone viridis

African Paradise Flycatcher

Loud, sharp alarm calls.

Vanellus senegallus

African Wattled Lapwing

High-pitched, melodious chirps.

Chalcomitra amethystina

Amethyst Sunbird

Loud chattering calls and whistles.

Turdoides jardineii

Arrow-marked Babbler

A duet of "too-poo-too-too" calls.

Lybius torquatus

Black-collared Barbet

Rich, fluty whistles.

Oriolus larvatus

Black-headed Oriole

High-pitched "klee-klee" calls.

Elanus caeruleus

Black-winged Kite

Metallic "klink-klink" calls.

Vanellus armatus

Blacksmith Lapwing

Rich, fluty duet.

Telophorus zeylonus


High-pitched twittering calls.

Spermestes cucullata

Bronze Mannikin

Harsh, repetitive "kee-kee-kee" calls.

Halcyon albiventris

Brown-hooded Kingfisher

Deep, resonant "doo-doo-doo" calls.

Centropus burchelli

Burchell’s Coucal

Melodious whistles and chirps.

Lamprotornis nitens

Cape (Glossy) Starling

Sweet, melodious song.

Dessonornis caffer

Cape Robin-Chat

Chirping calls and simple songs.

Passer melanurus

Cape Sparrow

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